Friday, September 14, 2012

To Da Moon Alice!!

I’ll start with three indisputable facts.

1. Ubiquitous Christian billboards proclaim Jesus is coming soon.
2. Mormons believe Jesus will touch down in Jackson County Missouri.
3. Kansas City is located in Jackson County, Missouri.

So here’s my suggestion for Romney.

Take the 100 million that Sheldon Adelson has pledged to his campaign and purchase one of the taller buildings in Kansas City, MO.  From that lofty vantage point he can actually see Jesus touch down.

He could even have a car elevator installed so that Anne's Cadillac (two actually) could be parked just outside the door. That way, not a second would be wasted to be the first to greet Jesus.   Anne could follow in the second Cadillac.

Jesus may be hard to spot through all the clouds and smoke but all the trumpets blaring should lead him to the exact spot. I have little doubt that if Romney arrives first on the scene he will get first dibs on his very own planet.

But why keep him waiting? I’m so impressed with the guy I would be willing to send him off to another planet this minute. Think how many jobs would be created building the rocket.

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