Friday, October 19, 2012

Examining Our Beliefs

Watching the Catholic charity function in NYC where the obscenely overweight cherub cheeked Cardinal Dolan sat between Romney and President Obama, I was struck by how durable superstition is.

Because of the fact that there have been thousands of gods, dozens of “holy books” tens of thousands of different denominations, sects and cults, it should become readily obvious to anyone with even a miniscule amount of critical thinking skills that all these beliefs are nothing more than creations in our minds.

Yet, here, were three prominent men, professing “belief” in three wildly disparate belief systems, while hypocritically pretending to “respect” the other’s religion, when in fact the only thing they shared in common was that all three religions were born out of fear and ignorance.

A recent Pew survey found that among younger Americans, 25% say they are not currently affiliated with religion. Good! These brave young people have rejected the superstition with which adults have attempted to clutter their minds.

While it’s easy to criticize Muslim fanatics who fear a little girl with a book enough to blow her brains out, shouldn't we summon the courage to examine our own beliefs?

Religion can no longer be separated from politics. It matters if Romney thinks he is protected with magic underwear and that he has a prophet who arrives at his truth as it is revealed to him (and nobody else) which he then passes on to his minions.

Can anyone else think of the problems we might encounter if Romney’s 85 year old prophet receives a revelation that prescribes a course for the country (such as war) that would contradict what the electorate feels is the best course? We had that from Bush when he prayed to his god about attacking Iraq.

And that Catholic charity function?

When the Vatican decides to sell all its valuable paintings, its gold, its stocks and bonds, its wine collection, the popes golden throne, and give the proceeds to the needy, then they can ask others to support their charity. Oh, and while they are at it they could sell the popemobile and even his cute little red shoes. Think of all the wealthy Catholics that would be willing to pay a small fortune for those things alone. Oh, and they could fire all those guys in dresses and funny hats. Maybe they could get a real job.

The Vatican holds the dubious record of consuming the most wine per capita than any other nation in the world. The Pope and his minions (all 931 of them) guzzled down over 70 quarts of wine PER PERSON last year. And that’s average consumption per person. Makes you wonder how many of these folks go to bed shit-faced every night. No wonder so many of them, like Cardinal Dolan,  are blessed with such rosy red cheeks.

Until they get rid of all their worldly possessions, they shouldn't be asking for donations.  I will continue to give my financial support to Planned Parenthood, Freedom From Religion Foundation,  Center for Inquiry  and the ACLU.  And I’ll stick with the ten dollar wine, not the high priced stuff they drink at the Vatican.

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