Thursday, October 25, 2012

You Better Watch Out You Better Not Cry

Willful ignorance is one of the most egregious sins we can commit.  When every scientist (and I mean real scientist, not pseudoscientist) tells us that the earth is billions of years old and someone says, “Well, I prefer not to think of it that way; I prefer to believe that the earth is only 6000 years old, then that person has rejected the very thing that separates him/ her from lower animals, the ability to reason.

If there is a god, then surely it is he/she/it that gave us the gift of reason.  Not using it is tantamount to rejecting the gift. And the worst insult we can hand someone is to reject a gift given with good intentions.

I have found that the most die-hard Christians know very little about their own bible, even though they have been attending “bible study” for decades.  It’s doubtful any of them are reading this now because they are frightened silly of knowledge, but just in case, let me help you with your study.

Please turn to Genesis 4:8. “And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.” Now, brothers and sisters, what got Cain so upset that he committed the first recorded murder in (your) history?  Well, it was because God rejected Cain’s gift, right? Take a moment and ponder that. The very first murder was committed over a rejected gift.

A word to the wise. Christmas is just around the corner. The busiest day is actually the day after Christmas when disappointed benefactors stand in long lines to return (reject) unwanted gifts. So just make sure the person who gave you that huge clear plastic bag of one size fits all white socks for Christmas doesn't see you standing in that line clutching the gift he just gave you. 

Somebody could get hurt.

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