Sunday, January 29, 2012

How Much For The Hat?


  1. That's what I call a perfect picture.

    BTW, I heard that the mormon church is even richer than the catholic church. True?

    1. I doubt we will ever know which church is the wealthiest. On a per person basis I would say the Mormons are wealthiest because they are so few in number compared to Catholics. But because of the overwhelming number of Catholics, with the spoils (tithes) going to the Vatican, I have no doubt that little 108 acre conclave is the wealthiest piece of property on the planet.

  2. I think that depends on which church actually is favored by God. It could even be the Baptist Church. They all are tax exempt and own the republican party. The Catholics probably have the advantage since there are so many of them and they are heavily invested in wine. You know how the Mormon and Baptist Church fell about wine and besides the Mormon Church would never invest in coffee, except Mitt Romney. When it comes to money he will invest in anything. He is really a people person and besides Corporations are people. So he love them all.


  3. "fell" Better make that "feel".


